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Religious Abuse in orphanages and reformatories

Catholic religious orders and different religious denominations haven`t given effective answers to victims who were exposed to their various types of abuse while they were in religious run orphanages and reformatories when they were children. Today, it has been necessary to use different means to expose the terrible truth about the abuse endured in order to seek justice for these horriffic crimes committed by people who have taken the Lord`s name in vain. Here, you will find diverse information that makes clear the systematic abuse that has always been undertaken by religion no matter which country, language or State Constitution they might be submitted to, the abuse has been covered up by both churh and governments.

ITCCS update: Please contribute with the Mohawks in the excavation of mass graves in Canada

Kevin Annett & Francesco Zanardi first time speak to Italians about Vatican Crimes worldwide

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

SAVONA, ITALY --- Two of the world's bravest whistleblowers, who for over 20 years have been denouncing crimes committed by the Catholic Church, unite forces in a historic and powerful press conference to be hosted on May 23 in Italy specifically, as it hosts the world headquarters of the global organization known as the Catholic Church: home to the cave of criminals better described as the Vatican mafia. Kevin Annett and Francesco Zanardi will be making history on Thursday May 23 by presenting irrefutable evidence of the child trafficking, assassinations, abuse and other crimes committed by the Catholic Church around the world. Kevin Annett of ITCCS, who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize Award for his relentless work exposing the genocide committed by Church and State in Canada and abroad, along with Francesco Zanardi of Rete L'Abuso notorious for his historic Hunger Strike at the Vatican denouncing clergy abuse in Italy, will come together to present evidence they have been gathering during many years of investigation. Do not miss the opportunity to see evidence of the crimes against humanity committed by priests and nuns around the globe, by using their false appearance of "mercy" and so-called "helping the poor" motto to deceive the masses. 

For more information regarding Kevin Annett and the ITCCS, visit: http://www.itccs.org
and for Francesco Zanardi, visit: www.retelabuso.com www.francescozanardi.org

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We present the shocking statistics of money that the Catholic Church receives, this list denotes money only from Italy.
Below are the links where you will find information in different languages.

Evidence showing corrupt money that bleeds the people and is used to cover up pedophile priests, crimes against humanity.

jh.to/redditi ITALIANO
jh.to/contributions INGLES
jh.to/contribuicao PORTUGUES
jh.to/quota ESPANOL


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